Thursday, July 11, 2024

After Biden's Presser, No Sure Answer

As I listened to CNN analysts parse Joe Biden’s performance during his press conference Thursday evening it became obvious that sizzle not substance has become the determining factor in U.S. political discourse. 

Comparisons by analysts to Donald Trump’s governing acuity were virtually non existent. Biden displayed 59 minutes of in depth understanding of real world and domestic issues. Could anyone seriously imagine Trump would be equally capable without numerous exaggerations, fabrications and manipulations of the truth? 

Biden is the most qualified to be president. From either party. 

Optics. Yes, Biden made some blunders (once calling Trump, not Kamala Harris, his vice president). And he will continue to be the Norm Crosby of politicians (Google him if you have no idea who Norm Crosby was). But who among us doesn’t fumble words and names at times? For sure, Trump does it lots of times, but hardly anyone makes a mountain out of his molehills because of all the lies he tells before and after his verbal gaffes. 

Why do we require perfection from Biden? 

Bottom line: Biden did nothing to advance calls for abandonment of his pursuit of a second term, other than give long-winded, detailed answers that only policy wonks would appreciate. Those hoping for fire-in-his-eyes were disappointed. Biden said he was in it for the long haul of saving America and the world from Trump, not the glory. 

So, were minds, including mine, changed? Should Biden give up the quest? 

Based on Thursday night, no. Can Biden maintain rebound momentum? Only time will tell. Democrats hope what we saw during the debate with Trump was the aberration. They have to hope the time clock stops ticking before their August convention so there’s enough time to unite behind the party nominee, no matter who it is.