Tuesday, October 1, 2024

As New Year Approaches, Will Finley Be Taller?

At six feet, zero inches, my stature as tallest member of the Forseter clan may be in its waning days. Coupled with a body’s natural tendency to shrink as one ages, our grandson Finley’s unstoppable ascendancy is all but certain. He has already passed his father’s 5’ 10” standard and is roughing out at six feet. 

We will stand barefoot, back to back, when Dan brings his family to White Plains for Rosh Hashanah Wednesday evening. 

Finley is not following my growth pattern, the one Dan inherited. Dan and I were below average height at our respective bar mitzvahs. We sprouted to our ultimate height during our late mid-teen years. 

When Finley turns 15 in November I expect to be officially dethroned as tops in our family, assuming I retain my prominence this week. 

Visual evidence as to who is now, or still, top of the clan will be available on my next posting. 

Meanwhile, to all, 

shana tovah umetukah

שנה טובה ומתוקה