Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Smiles From My Facebook Feed

My Facebook feed contains lots of personal updates of the comings and goings of friends and family and, for some unknown reason, several daily missives about the New York Yankees, the New York Giants, The Far Side and other comic panels including Dennis the Menace, lots of product promos, examples of Jewish Humor, and the musings/rantings of political commentator wannabes (like me). 

Among the more entertaining postings, many shared by my sister Lee, are aphorisms, several of which I have included here with, I hope, proper attribution: 

“Bread is like the sun. 

It rises in the yeast 

and sets in the waist.” 

—Asty Hany

Under a picture of Donald Trump

“Who does not know the truth 

is simply a fool …

Yet who knows the truth and calls it a lie

 is a criminal.” 

—Bertolt Brecht

Under a portrait of a voluptuous woman, circa 1860

“Got my DNA and turns out 

I’m 86% Danish Butter Cookie 

from the Costco region.” 

—La Vie en Rose Arts

“If there’s a hell, it should probably

be filled with people who claimed

faith in Jesus 

while trying to strip the sick of care, 

the terrified of refuge, 

and the vulnerable of protection, 

and reveling as if this was a righteous victory.”

—John Pavlovitz

“Happiness is when you realize 

your children have turned out 

to be good people.” 

—Still Moments

“Everyone needs a friend 

who they probably shouldn’t be allowed 

to sit next to at a serious function.” 

—Margaret Quica Alarcon