Sunday, August 25, 2024

Commenting on News of the Season

Barring any cataclysmic events that could transform the presidential race, I will be avoid writing about it until a day or two before or after the scheduled September 10 debate. 

Let’s instead focus on what’s truly captivating, at least to most men and an increasing number of women: the pending football season and the truly remarkable, extraordinary season Aaron Judge of the New York Yankees is having. 

Not since the love affair with Derek Jeter has any player captivated the hard to please New York fan. Every Judge at bat is must-see baseball. What is so fascinating is that in an ordinary season NY fandom would be gushing about Juan Soto’s MVP-type performance. 

Through Sunday, Soto has 37 home runs, 95 runs batted in, a batting average of .299 and OPS (on-base plus slugging) of 1.035. Amazing numbers. But they pale in comparison to Judge’s 51 homers, 122 RBIs, .333 batting average and 1.201 OPS. 

Today, in the 10-3 Yankees win over the Colorado Rockies, Soto hit a home run and knocked in two runs. Judge hit two home runs and had three RBIs. 

Sadly, Judge and Soto are not surrounded by sufficient quality hitters and pitchers to carry the Yankees past a first round playoff slot. A World Series spot, much less a title, is wishful dreaming in the extreme. 

Football-wise, dreams—actually, they’re nightmares—are my forecast for the New York Giants. Doubtful a season with more wins than losses is possible.  

Which brings me back to politics—oh, so soon after promising not to indulge. I couldn’t help it.

For all the euphoria emanating from the Democratic National Convention—at least for Democrats and anti-Trumpers—reality will set in as soon as they study an electoral map. 

Kamala and everyone else preached to the choir last week. But how many lost souls—voters who have crossed over to the dark side or are considering swilling the kool aid—did she and they reach? 

A look at the electoral map brings the euphoria back down to tension level. In addition to Blue State wins, Kamala has to secure at least 64 Electoral College votes from battleground swing states before she could call Mayflower trucking to move her and Doug into the White House. 

Here are the numbers: Wisconsin 10 votes; Michigan 15; Virginia 13; Georgia 16; Arizona 11; Nevada 6; Pennsylvania 19. 

It won’t be easy, even with an expected lift from pro abortion voters revved up by referendum ballots in several purple states. 

Tongue Biting: How often do you bite your tongue? I find I am doing it more often than ever before. 

Oh, I am not referring to the mishap of chomping down on your tongue while eating. No. I am referring to the colloquial biting of your tongue when refraining from commenting upon hearing something outrageous. 

During this heightened time of political disagreement, it is increasingly difficult to remain silent when hearing outright absurdities emanate from across a dining room table. 

Last week Gilda and I attended a memorial mass for the recently deceased brother of one of her co-workers. During an ensuing luncheon at a country club on Long Island, our table included a retired public school teacher. This seemingly sweet 80-year-old recited all the talking points of a Fox News commentary with some verbatim Donald Trump jibes (lies, actually, but I’m trying to be nice). 

My training as a reporter—to listen and not interject—helped me get through the ordeal. 

Several of my friends are Trumpers. Our friendships preceded the Trumpian era. For the most part we skillfully dance around our political partisanships. We all agree that friendship and civility are more important that the politics of divisiveness.