Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Musings on Cheesecake, Wedding Attire, AI Broadcasts

Shavuot, the Jewish festival celebrated seven weeks plus one day following Passover, the traditional time God is said to have presented the Ten Commandments and Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai, began Tuesday night. It’s been customary, at least among Ashkenazi Jews, to commemorate the holiday by eating dairy products, most pleasurably, cheesecake.

As to why, I refer you to an article in The Forward ( 

If you’ve opened the link you might have noticed the headline referred to “how to make a killer cheesecake.” 

 “Killer cheesecake?” I wonder, was it merely referring to how tasty a recipe for cheesecake was, or did it allude to the deadly-artery-clogging implications of eating too much cheesecake? 

Just kidding, of course, but I wonder if the headline writer was aware of the double entendre? 

Cool Wedding Dressing: Apparently, suggesting— strongly suggesting—to guests what they should wear to one’s wedding is a trend of increasing intensity, as evidenced by this New York Times article (

Gilda’s comment when she forwarded the article to me was, “Some people need to get a life!” No argument there, but I must acknowledge that the wedding of our son Dan to Allison half a month shy of 18 years ago, was an early harbinger of nuptial styling.

For their July 2 wedding on the outdoor grounds of Lyndhurst Mansion in Tarrytown, NY, Dan and Allison ordained that suits, sports jackets and especially ties were more than optional—they were to be left home. Anyone daring to wear a tie might go home with it shorn in two. Even Allison’s dad and I walked down the aisle sans cravat.

Perhaps the most jubilant attendees during the wedding which took place in 95 degrees temperature and near 95% humidity, were the catering staff. Their uniform that day was dark pants and a black T-shirt. 

Artificial Intelligence? I think my cable company (Optimum, in case you’re wondering) is transmitting AI broadcasts. That’s my explanation as to why the voice often does not sync up with the lips on too many shows I watch, especially newscasts.