Sunday, October 18, 2009

Books for the Ages

The movie “Where the Wild Things Are” opened Friday to mostly glowing reviews. I read them through misty, nostalgia-filled eyes.

Maurice Sendak’s Wild Things was among the favorite books our children adored. Gilda and I loved reading it to them, with all the drama and inflections our voices could muster.

Reading books to Dan and Ellie was perhaps the most enjoyable part of parenting. We’d read many of them over and over, so many times that they’d memorize the text. If I deviated from the script by even one word they’d quickly correct me.

It didn’t matter that they knew the story. Each reading, usually performed while snuggled closely in our bed or theirs, became a cushion of comfort, an affirmation that life and love were pure, innocent and unconditionally given.

For friends and family who are blessed with newborn children and grandchildren, be alerted that the Forseter gift will be books for the ages, some for newborns, some for when they are toddlers or older. And they’ll come with the following note:

Children outgrow clothing,
They tire of toys,
But the memory of reading
Books with your parents
Lasts forever.

I hope to see the Wild Things movie this week. But no matter how good it is, it won’t be as good as reading the book to Danny and Ellie.